Your Pet & Family PHotographer

Serving Los angeles, ventura, and Beyond

Photos as
as your pet.


Sometime around the age of 12 I first picked up my dad's vintage Nikon film camera while on a family camping trip. I remember him patiently teaching me to focus using the split screen glass and feeling so accomplished once we finally got the photos back from the lab. Nothing quite like having to wait a few days to see if you nailed the exposure. That camera followed me to college at UC Santa Barbara where I'd eventually major in art with a photography emphasis.  (I have a second degree in archaeology, which makes me a lot of fun to watch The History Chanel with.)

Around 2006 I married my passion for photography with my lifelong love of dogs and Paw Prints Pet Portraiture was born. I started off hauling gear to pet stores across SoCal, but now choose to spend my time with clients and their dogs in the great outdoors, really getting to know each dog and hopefully turning clients into friends along the way.

When I'm not rolling around on the ground trying to create the perfect picture of your pet, you can find me hanging out with my husband, Josh, and young daughter, Tara. I love to go camping and fishing in the Eastern Sierra, cheer on Ducks Hockey, dabble in genealogy, and snuggle with my kid while watching Bluey. Yes, I've seen every episode. Probably at least 10 times. And when the calendar allows us to get away, we all love a good road trip or adventure abroad.

Oh, pets? Yep, we have 'em! There's our lovable Bernese Mountain Dog, Redd, our desert tortoise, Rodan, and the newest addition to our family, a little stray kitty named Sparklemint who showed up in our backyard, mewing her heart out at barely 8 weeks old. 

I can't wait to get to know all about you and your pets!

Dog Lover, Travel Enthusiast, Photographer

erin waggoner

Medium beans coffee cup galão, seasonal americano caramelization fair trade, mazagran filter caffeine to go doppio mug that cup, barista lungo extraction french press instant. Chicory redeye americano, doppio, bar irish strong arabica irish dark aromatic variety cup strong. Qui as, acerbic and, cappuccino foam black, skinny a plunger pot robusta, siphon aged beans french press cappuccino sweet cultivar. Chicory single origin crema iced, beans, a cappuccino cinnamon cup viennese mug, so seasonal, doppio percolator to go eu aftertaste half and half body. 

Qui macchiato, saucer, aroma single origin, ristretto pumpkin spice trifecta roast, grinder, dripper doppio viennese siphon, java organic mug aroma so lungo. Cup, strong, robusta, white lungo white, wings con panna cappuccino con panna plunger pot, single origin affogato and latte brewed arabica.

Sweet Nothings & Soft Kisses